Cyprus advises companies to make EU Refund Directive claims by 10 March 2019

8 March 2019

The Cypriot tax authorities have recommended that Cypriot and UK businesses, who use the EU Refund Directive mechanism to claim back VAT incurred in the UK and Cyprus during 2018, should complete their applications by 10 March 2019.

Normally these types of claims would have a submission deadline of 30 September in both countries. However, due to the uncertainty of a no-deal Brexit the Cypriot tax authorities are advising to file these claims by 10 March 2019.

Furthermore, the Cypriot tax authorities have stated that in the event of a no deal Brexit, UK companies will have to submit these types of VAT reclaims as if they are a non-EU business (using the 13th Directive Refund claim mechanism) after 29 March 2019.

The EU and 13th VAT Refund Directive are mechanisms in which companies can claim VAT incurred in EU countries outside of a VAT registration.


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